report for 17/8/07
My honey called me yesterday.. after i blogged. Seems like my wish came true. Haha.
I woke up at 6 plus this morning. I was early for lesson. YESH! We learnt dribbling today. I realised the yr 2 deg gals are very good that bball too.
After lesson, i had breakfast with my classmates and den went to the gym. I did bicepts and shoulders today. My whole body is aching now.. I really need a massage.. ;p My friend ask me to go club tonight. But i rejected him. keke. This is the second rejection made this week. I wanna be good gal..
I went to the library and search for resources for my proj.. wanna try to finish as much as possible. I rushed back to hall and prepare to head to fort canning.. went by aye to cte and out to merchant. now i know how to go there already. Yesh! The field trip was very interesting. The wax men looked so real. I could feel what was going on on the plot of land during british and jap occupation.
Later, i went to pump petrol. five day pump once huh. Den fetch my mummy to amk. Met my dad and bro for dinner. We bought 881 movie tickets. The movie was very touching. I teared so many times. I'm quite frustrated with myself. I can't stand myself being so emotional.. but i just can't help it! arrgg.. the movie tell us about treasuring ur life, maintaing relationship, doing things which would make you or others happy.. etc. meaningful
After the movie.. we headed to amk hub (we watched at jubille) and guess who i saw? U would nv believe it! i saw jason's whole family walking in front of my family. Haha.. I called jojo. Den i introduced jason's parents to my parents. haha.. really a small whole huh..
Went amk hub and bought a pair of shorts while my bro was deciding to buy the phone at singtel.
Headed home after that. I practiced music again. I realised my exam is next week! better work harder. Now i'm super sleepy.. going to sleep now..nitey..