I'm a Singaporean woman, born and bred in Singapore. I would like to blog and share about my life as a woman. A typical woman who has to make choices at different phrases of life. From a girl who lived all her life with her parents till her early thirties to a married woman who is currently living with her romantic French husband in South Korea (Geoje). I am always exploring ways to find happiness and peace within oneself and share the love I gain from my love ones to the people around me.
Monday, October 29, 2007
i enjoyed my last weekend so much! except the part when I was ill. I spent my whole sat in NIE for handball carnival.. Darling went with me.. I was so glad! enjoyed the time spent together. We still went out after that.. super tiring but fun day. Sunday was a busy day for me.. had to go for music lesson, teach music as well.. I felt weak when teaching and realised that i had fever when i reached home. I realised my family showed so much concern for me that i felt very adored and loved.. Darling was also with me.. though he still went to play soccer.. but it doesn't bother me coz i know he still cares and i wouldn't want him to sacrifice his soccer coz of me.. that would be really selfish on my side.. He asked me to pass him my best photo.. i wonder wat is it for.. will go and print it later..