Saturday, March 18, 2017

7 Days of Post Spot Removal Laser Treatment

7 Days of Post Spot Removal Laser Treatment

As promised, I'm going to do a review of the 7 days after my laser treatment. 

Just a little recap, the doctor has attempted to remove more than 30 spots on my face about a week ago. I was told not to go out under the sun. Initially, I plan to go for a hiking trip with a few of my friends and also lunch date with another friend. I had to cancel all of them just to ensure I had no chance of affecting the recovery of my laser wounds.

I was not supposed to wash my face for the next 24 hours right after my laser treatment. Right after, I could wash my face daily with mild cleanser and I was told to apply the repair cream each time my face feels dry. 

When I checked on the internet, I learnt that it is important to ensure the wounds are not infected. Therefore, I applied hydrogen peroxide on the wounds to prevent any infection after washing my face.

Here's the result:

Within the first 4 days, scabs began to developed. The next few days, they dried up and eventually fell off on their own when I was washing my face. The wounds felt a little sensitive on my face on the first 2 days. But after that, it was okay.

Now the affected areas are more pinkish. I can't wait for my face to heal completely. I can head out tonight for a party! 

I will update how I look a week later from now.